TRACTOR TIRE chains, 16.9x30 $475. 11-12-26inch $375. 13.6x26 inch, pair $375. 7ft snowblower, heavy gear box, 3ph, single auger, manual hood $1450. Set of bush chains 13.6x26-28 inch, big links $475. International 8ft, 3ph snowblower hydraulic chute, single auger $1650. Dan Seifried, Harriston 519-338-2688
M + M Livestock Wanted: Culled cows. Highest prices. Call collect 519-836-2070 Guelph or 905-852-3238 Uxbridge. Text 647-393-3948
Wanted: Old and crippled cull cows. Must be able to walk and be drug free. Cash paid. Call Dennis 519-654-7833.
HEREFORD HEIFER for sale. Purebed, 3 years old. To calve in April. 519-856-9624
4X5 ROUND Bales of Oat Peas mix, wrapped. Good quality. 6ft big squares of second cut good quality dry hay. No rain. Howard Carey, Elora 519-831-9892
ROUND BALES 160, 4x5 clean wheat rotory straw, net wrapped, stored inside, no rain. $48.00 Call 519-856-1694
HAY 4'x5' round bales of 1st cut hay for sale. Stored inside. Ospringe area. Phone or text 519-820-0517
ROUND BALES of Hay for sale. Inside, first cut, good enough to starts calves. Call 519-321-1012
INDIVIDUAL & Tubeline wrapped hay, baleage, 1st & 2nd cut. Also wheat and bean straw available. Will deliver. Call 519-501-2604 (Conn area).
STRAW & HAY: large squares of 1st & 2nd cut hay. Straw, small squares wheat straw in bundles of 21. Call 519-575-5723
HAY AND STRAW - will deliver in loads of 42-4x5, 72 big square bales. Call Reg Small 519-323-2191.
HORSE HAY for sale, 1st cut, small bales, 519-848-6923 Call after 6pm.
ROUND BALES of baleage for sale. Tube wrapped 4'x5' in size. Bales of oats & peas. Bales of sorghum/sudan grass.
Phone or text 519-820-0517
HAY AND STRAW- Hay:1st & 2nd cut large rounds. Also long & rotary straw, large rounds. Arthur area. Call 416-795-4706.
290 SMALL bales of good horse hay for sale. First cut. No rain. $6 each. Kenilworth. 519-848-3244
HAY FOR Sale 4x4 round bales stored inside Call Ben 226-979-6687
GARAGE SALE Sat March 8 from 8am to 8pm. Shed-strong 10x10, 2 doors (real steel outer and roof) home made, done right. Garage 11x20 insulated. Strong upholstery sewing machine walking foot/welting, well maintained. Zigzag machines too. Hack saw machine. 4x8 cutting table on wheels. Men's and girls designer leather coats and jackets. New biker leather vest. More. Mattress pillow-top. 581 Katherine St N, West Mount Rose. Price to sell, cash.
ATTENTION SPORTS fans/ investors! I have been saving sportscards (baseball, hockey, football, basketball) off and on for 50+ years. It's time to sell.
Over 20,000 cards mostly prior to 1990's. Several cards authenticated. Has been appraised at over $15,000. For more info call, 519-835-6924
FIREWOOD- SEASONED hardwood. 12" or 16" lengths available. Picked up or delivered. 519-846-5010 or cell 519-575-5723.
ELECTRICAL MATERIAL and tools at give away prices. Contractor retired. For more info, call 519-830-5445.
VAN TRAILERS for sale. Call Reg Small for more details, 519-323-2191.
SEASONED FIREWOOD: 12 inch firewood $475 for 5 face cord delivered within 20 minutes of Clifford or 16 inch for $450. Smaller deliveries and farther distance will cost extra. Call or text 519-444-8849.
PRESSURE WASHERS- A unit to suit most every application, cold, hot and pressure cleaning detergents. Tri-Mech Inc . 519-638-2836
SEASONED FIREWOOD, 12 inch lengths, hardwood. $85/ face cord. Stored inside. Southgate Rd.12, 519-323-9397
FIREWOOD LOGS for sale-tractor trailer loads, long links. Call Rick, 519-353-8167
WHITE PINE LUMBER- 1in. x 8, 10, 12in. Call for a quote. A. Rogers Sawmill, one mile east of Ennotville. 226-821-3990. Hours: 8am-12, 1-5pm.
4 WINTER TIRES on steel rims 17" previously used on GM Chev Malibu. 5 season wear, 2,000K approx. use. $300 Guelph, Call John 519-767-9991
KILN DRIED Pine Boards 1x12. 6ft, 8ft, 10ft, 12ft lengths. Smooth 3 sides. Low price. Glen Martin 519-669-2350
A-1 FIREWOOD. Mixed hardwood, 12in. or 16in. lengths. Delivery available. Call 519-994-6075
HARDWOOD FIREWOOD Seasoned and delivered. Call or text 519-831-2922
OUR LADY OF FATIMA'S "Great Promise" of Aid for Salvation. "I promise to help at the hour of death, with the graces needed for their salvation" whosoever on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall confess and receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary and keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 Mysteries of the Rosary with the intention of making reparation to me. St. Joseph Catholic Church, Fergus, ON. Masses: Sat. 5pm, Sunday 9:00a.m. and 11:00a.m.
PROMISES OF THESACRED HEART- Pious souls consecrate to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the spirit of reparation, the First Friday of each month. Jesus himself, made twelve promises to those who practice and promote this devotion. 1. I will give them all the graces necessary for their state in life. 2. I will give peace to their families. 3. I will console them in all their troubles. 4. They shall find in My Heart an assured refuge during life, and especially at the hour of death. 5. Tepid souls shall become fervent. 6. Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and an infinite ocean of mercy. 7. I will bless the homes in which the image of My Heart shall be exposed and honored. 8. Fervent souls shall speedily rise to great perfection. 9. I will give to priests the power to touch the most hardened hearts. 10. Those who propogate this devotion shall have their names written on My Heart, never to be effaced. 11. I will pour abundant blessings on all their undertakings. 12. I promise thee, in the excess of the mercy of My Heart, that its all-powerful love will grant to all who receive Holy Communion on the First Friday of every month, for nine consecutive months, the grace of final repentance, and that they shall not die under my displeasure, nor without receiving the Sacraments, and My Heart shall be their secure refuge at that last hour. Catholic Missions in Canada 1-800-361-1128.
MARTIN WELL Drilling- Rejuvenate & clean up existing wells. Well extensions. De-commission abandoned wells. Flow tests. Pump service & water treatment. MOE certified. Call Len 519-846-9162, Jeff 519-846-1993 or Mike 519-638-8928.
PROPERTY MAINTENANCE: Interior painting, garbage disposal, pickup and delivery, odd jobs. Contact Matt today! 519-362-4896 or
AB RENOVATIONS Basement, Bathroom and Kitchen renovations, ceramic tile, wall papering, painting, drywall, you name it. Affordable pricing. Free estimates. Fergus and surrounding area. Alan 519-787-1202 or cell 519-830-1202
FLOORING REPAIRS, install, transition strips. Refinish hardwood, sand, stain and more. Senior discounts, 35 years experience Just call Paul 519-369-7662. Free quotes!
UPHOLSTRY NEEDS C O D call on Dwight. 519-836-6148 / 519-241-2251. 40+ yrs experience.
YARD MAINTENANCE & Construction. Lawn care, clean up and repair. Enclosed trailer for reliable moves. Pruning, trimming and chipping. Reliable equipment with years of experience. Call Cliff 519-546-8833.
UPHOLSTERY & REPAIR. Fair. Kitchen chairs. Heavy repair sewing. Classic truck and car bench seats. Also premade interiors installed. Boat roofs re-sewn. West Montrose. 226-972-5813
RETIRED CARPENTERavailable to do small renovations and home maintenance: John ! 519-803-4888. CW area.